Jimeno of Pamplona

Jimeno (Ximeno) I was the 9th century father of García Jiménez of Pamplona. In spite of various biographical details having been created, there are no unambiguous records of his existence except in the patronymics of his sons, García and Íñigo Jiménez, indicating a father named Jimeno.[1] In 850, the French court received envoys from Induo and Mitio, "dukes of the Navarrese", and it has been supposed that these names represent those of Íñigo Arista and Jimeno,[2] but Sánchez Albernoz argued against the latter identification. Likewise it has been suggested that, like his son, he may have been ruler of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona, or even that he was regent of the entire kingdom (for which there is no evidence).[3] The location of his hypothetical principality has been placed around Álava, where a count Vela Jiménez, traditionally thought to have been his son (again based on patronymic), held sway.[4]

He has sometimes been described as Jimeno the Strong, but this results from confusion with a much earlier man of that name. Likewise, he sometimes appears as Jimeno Garcés due to hypotheses about his origins. The belief that he was kinsman of Íñigo I Arista has led to various reconstructed pedigrees, filling the gaps with otherwise unknown or chronologically misplaced individuals, the most common version making him son of a García Jiménez, and thereby making "Garcés" the patronymic of Jimeno.[1]

If he ruled, he was apparently succeeded in his principality by son García Jiménez. He is noteworthy as the earliest documented ancestor of a royal house—the Jiménez—that displaced the line of Arista in 905 and reigned in Navarre until 1234.

No record of his wife remains, although historian Justo Pérez de Urbel has suggested that he was the unnamed prince of Pamplona to whom princess Leodegundia Ordoñez of León married[5]. Two children are documented for Jimeno, and another two have been suggested:[6]

Preceded by
Co- or Sub-king in Pamplona
Succeeded by
García Jiménez




  1. ^ a b Lacarra
  2. ^ Pérez de Urbel, "Lo viejo".
  3. ^ Pérez de Urbel, "Lo viejo";Sánchez Albernoz
  4. ^ Pérez de Urbel, "Jimenos y Velas"
  5. ^ Pérez de Urbel, "Lo viejo", Sánchez Albernoz rejected this identification
  6. ^ Lacarra;Pérez de Urbel, "Jimenos y Velas"
  7. ^ It has been suggested that this may be an erroneous reference to Íñigo Arista